The Edge of Us: Let’s Talk Naomi & Zeke

She’s been described as the female Travis Maddox. Can Naomi Abrams truly be compared to Mad Dog himself? You bet she can. I’ll let you decide when The Edge of Us releases next month! For now, let’s talk Naomi, Zeke, and what we know so far for the Crash and Burn gang.


We first met Zeke in Beautiful Sacrifice as one of the hotshots working on Taylor and Tyler Maddox’s crew. He’s still a bit of a mystery and the one we know the least about. We know he has an older sister and his crew gives him a hard time because he doesn’t date. He had been with his ex since eighth grade and they broke up a few years ago.

“A girl?” I [Darby] asked. When Zeke didn’t offer more, I insisted. “Oh, really? Where did you meet her?”

“Out one night.”

“So mysterious,” I teased, taking a drink. “Is she nice?”

“She’s everything,” Zeke said.

We got our first glimpse of Naomi in From Here to You as a member of Trex’s team working at the Cheyenne Mountain Complex alongside her Marine brothers. Here’s what we know about her so far:

She’s a widow. Her husband, Matt, sacrificed himself to save his fellow Marines.

“He’s up there somewhere, still loving me, just like I’m down here, still loving him.”

She’s childhood friends with Senator Peter Bennett. He has a crush on her and brought her, and the team, to Colorado Springs.

She’s Trex’s closest friend.

“She slapped me once and then held her hand against the place she’d just assaulted. Naomi did that a lot, only hitting hard enough to bring me back to the present.”

She’s a strong, independent, knockout of a woman who isn’t afraid to tell it like is.

“I [Trex] jogged to the entrance, yanking open the door and looking around for Naomi.

She was staring at me with a smile, her first against her chin, her other hand outstretched, her fist and middle finger the only thing between her and a hotshot I recognized from the hotel lobby.

Who said you weren’t interested in me?” Watts said.

“Me,” Naomi said. “Twice.”

“Didn’t you notice the wedding band? She’s married, man, beat it.”

Watts looked down. “It’s on her middle finger.”

“Does she look like a conformist?” I asked.

Watts shrugged and stood. “She’s fucking beautiful. If she doesn’t want guys thinking she’s single, maybe wear it on the correct finger.”

She loves her weapons.

“Vicky was her Glock 26. She also had a Ruger named Chuck Norris and a Beretta named Cecil. Instead of pets, Naomi bought firearms. She cleaned them and named them and treated them like family.”

Find out more in The Edge of Us releasing on June 11, 2019!



Need a refresher or to catch up? Check out From Here to You here.

The Edge of Us Synopsis

From the #1 New York Times bestselling author of Beautiful Disaster comes a story of a fiercely independent war widow who falls for a protective hotshot firefighter in this gripping contemporary romance.

Widowed before thirty, Naomi Abrams has been through a lot. Her husband Matt sacrificed his life to save his Marine brothers. Daughter of the US modern militia’s founder, heartbroken Naomi joins the Marines in Matt’s place, too-ready to do anything to help protect his team—men who are like brothers to her now. Retiring together to the town of Colorado Springs, they’ve assembled to take on the job of security at the top-secret military base, the Cheyenne Mountain Complex. As they struggle to adjust to their civilian lives, they also discover new dangers.

Zeke Lund has been alone since being bumped out of the foster system at age eighteen, and now his rag-tag family consists of his hotshot brothers and sisters. Shattered by his first love, Zeke never planned to fall for someone again, especially not during fire season in the Colorado mountains, but Naomi is unlike anyone he’s ever met. She’s strong, stubborn, and takes exactly zero crap from anyone. At the top of a freezing canyon, the fire glowing down below, Zeke finally admits he may have feelings for the widow with the foul mouth and broken soul. When his health begins to fail, he wonders if he should love her enough to let her go or let her fight with him—with the real possibility of burying another man she loves.

Despite hurt, pain, fires, and illness, two strong people with fragile hearts struggle to beat the odds… and their love might just be strong enough to survive it all.